
We will Fight For You

Personal Injury

We Will do this together

Personal Injury

Whether you or a loved one were injured due to the unintended negligence of someone’s driving, as an innocent passenger riding with a bad driver, or hit by an at-fault driver, we have over 20 years of personal injury experience. This experience includes car accidents, dental and medical negligence, slip and falls, and products that caused bodily injury due to it being unreasonably dangerous (products liability). We have handled cases ranging from defective elevators, defective dental bridges with implants, as well as pedestrians being hit by moving vehicles due to improper marking in retail and commercial parking lots.


Investigation and Evaluation

During the initial phase, our attorney will diligently investigate the personal injury incident, evaluating the claim’s strength. This involves collecting crucial evidence like medical records, accident reports, witness statements, and other relevant documents. Our attorney will carefully review these materials to determine liability, assess the viability of the claim, and estimate potential damages.


Negotiation and Settlement

Once our attorney comprehends the case, they enter negotiations with the responsible party’s insurance company or legal representatives. A demand letter is presented, outlining the claim’s details, including injuries, expenses, and damages. Through back-and-forth discussions, our attorney strives to reach a fair settlement that provides just compensation.



If negotiations fail to reach a fair settlement, the next step is litigation. Our attorney will file a lawsuit on behalf of the injured party, commencing the legal process. This involves discovery, where both sides exchange information and evidence, followed by pre-trial motions. If necessary, the case may proceed to trial, where a judge or jury will assess arguments, review evidence, and make a final decision regarding liability and damages.

“A law is valuable, not because it is a law, but because there is right in it.”

henry ward beecher

personal service

Personal Injury

making a start

At Bryan & Prince, we pride ourselves on being a leading law firm dedicated to client success. Our seamless process begins with a personalized consultation, where our attentive attorneys take the time to understand your unique needs. Drawing on our expertise and deep legal knowledge, we provide strategic guidance tailored to your situation, explaining your rights and working diligently to achieve your goals. With us, you can trust that you’ll receive top-notch legal services and unwavering support from a firm committed to advocating for your best interests.

get to know each other

A strong client-attorney relationship is built on open communication, trust, and collaboration, allowing the attorney to provide tailored legal advice and advocate effectively for the client's rights and interests.

understand your rights

Understanding your rights is essential for empowering yourself, navigating legal situations confidently, and ensuring that your voice is heard and your interests are protected.

determining your goals

Determining your goals is a vital step in any endeavor, including legal matters, as it helps you establish a clear direction, prioritize your objectives, and work collaboratively with your attorney to achieve the desired outcomes.

We Will Help You Every Step Of The Way